Deuteronomy 6:5 craft
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 says:Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
In this passage, we learn that we should love God with all our hearts, souls, and strength! And not only that, but we should always be keeping His commandments on our hearts, talking about them continually as we go throughout our day!
God tells His people to “Tie [the commands] as symbols on your hands”, so for this craft kids can make a “symbol” to tie on their hands to remind them whenever they see it to love God and follow his commands.
Love God Craft
For this craft, let the child(ren) take ownership over the symbolic nature of their bracelet. What color do they think would remind them to love God? What of God’s commands do they need an extra reminder about? Let them design their bracelet in a personal way.
Friendship bible crafts
Supplies needed:
- Embroidery floss or other string
- Beads
- Tape
- (Optional) Pipe cleaners
Deuteronomy 6 children’s lesson
The first step is to decide how you want to make your bracelet. There are so many ways to tie bracelets that can be found with a quick Google search, so we won’t go over them all here. We decided to keep our bracelets super simple!
Obey God Craft
For the red bracelet, we cut four lengths of string and placed letter beads on the middle two strings, tying between each bead.
Friendship crafts for sunday school
For the other bracelet, my son chose to remember God’s command to obey his parents. He decided to make his bracelet green to remind him to “go!”
Sunday school crafts about love
For the green bracelet, I hooked a short piece of pipe cleaner onto the end of the string as a sort of needle to make it easier for him to slide the beads on.
For this one, I braided a short section and then tied a knot to stop the beads. After he finished stringing his beads on, I braided a little more and then tied it off.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart craft
It was a super fun and simple project, but best of all it provided a hands on experience to discuss God’s Word together. There are lots of ways to remind ourselves to follow God’s commands, but the most important lesson is that if we want to love God with all our heart, mind, and strength, we need to keep His commands on our hearts!
Love God with all your heart craft
This is such a fun, simple Bible craft to add to your homeschool Bible lesson or Sunday School lesson.
Learn the Books of the Bible
Here are several fun activities we’ve used to help the kids learn the books of the Bible. They are well suited to most kids in elementary school. You may also like or Books of the Bible Snack or the Books of the Bible bulletin board.
- Books of the Bible bookmark
- Pool Noodle Books of the Bible Games for Kids
- 66 Books of the Bible Game for Kids
- Cup Books of the Bile Games
- Leaves Books of the Bible Games
- Learning the books of the bible with Lego
- Discs Books of the Bible Games
- Army of Spoons Books of the Bible Games
- Free Bible Bookcase Printable
Bible Printables for Kids
- Printable Bible Verses (verse cards for kids and families)
- Sermon Notes for Kids (works with any sermon)
- Creation BINGO Printable
- Printable Jelly Bean Gospel for Kids
- Creation Crafts for Kids
- Bible Verse Copywork
- Cain and Abel Craft
- Sin Entered the World Sin Craft for Kids
- Jesus Feeds the 5000 Craft & Lesson
- Beatitudes Sunday school lesson
- Parable of the lost sheep craft activities
- God protects us craft from the story of Nahum
- Prophet Ezekiel Craft (free printable template included)
- Zerubbabel Leads the Israelites Home Pennant Craft
- Lampstand Zechariah the Prophet Craft
- FUN Christmas Story Scavenger Hunt
- Jesus in the Temple Craft
- 12 Disciples Bible Crafts and Activities for Sunday School Lesson
- Wordless Book Craft
- Jesus is Greater than John: Jesus Sandals Craft
- See all of our free Sunday School Lessons!
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