November 12, 2022
Simple Airplane Puppet Craft

Simple Airplane Puppet Craft


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If your kids love airplanes, they will love this fun Simple Airplane Puppet Craft.

Simple, easy to make straw airplane craft for kids! This is great for retelling stories with kids in preschool, prek, kindergarten, and first grade!

This Straw Airplane Craft is a fun way to celebrate Aviation History Month to learn a little bit more about the parts of an airplane. If your kids are interested, try to make the plane as realistic as possible.

For my preschooler, however, she just wanted to have a toy airplane craft to play with, so that’s what we made. The airplane was a fun toy to play with outside because its light weight meant it was carried away on the wind. However, the weight of the glue and straw kept it from traveling too far.

Follow the directions to make your own airplane. Or, if you like, you can adapt the craft directions to turn the plane into a rocket. Can you get the plane to take off by blowing through the straw? Perhaps the kids would like to put on an aviation-themed puppet show!

Simple Airplane Puppet Craft

construction paper, straw, scissor, pencil, and glue

You’ll need a few common craft supplies to make this paper airplane:

  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Straw
  • Cardstock paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
draw outlines of your airplane pieces on construction paper

Draw the outline of the airplane’s body, wings, tail, back stabilizer and rudder onto your cardstock paper.

Cut out the design.

assemble your construction paper pieces into a plane and affix to straw

Cut two slits near either end of the body piece to slide the back wings and stabilizer through.

Glue the wings and tail in place with hot glue. If you use regular glue, you risk the wings taking too long to dry, which will likely result in them being crooked.

Glue the plane to the end of the straw.

time to play with your straw airplane puppet or retell stories together

Use the straw to guide the plane through the air. Toss the plane into the air. Does it fly?


Books about Airplanes and Aviation

Read these books when making this craft to add another element of learning to your fun!

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