November 12, 2022
Simple Edible Finger Paint Recipe

Simple Edible Finger Paint Recipe


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Kids of all ages will love digging in and playing and creating masterpieces with this edible finger paint perfect for babies, toddler, preschooler, pre-k, and kindergarten age kids to have some tactile, sensory fun while painting with taste safe paint recipe.
Amazing, easy to make EDIBLE Finger Paint - perfect for toddler, preschool, kindergarten age kids for a fun sensory activity.

Edible finger paint

I am always trying to find unique, fun ideas to get my kids to explore with their senses – a great way to form brain pathways that are going to allow them to learn over their life – plus it is just plain FUN!! THis simple edible finger paint uses only 2 ingredients to create a taste safe paint recipe for kids to explore. This edible finger paint for babies is a fun play recipe for baby, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners.

baby safe edible finger paint

Edible finger paint for babies

It is super simple – just pour some shaken sweetened condensed milk in small bowls. Add food coloring (I used my Wilton decorating colors because that is what we had on hand). One can will give you 4 small bowls. We used 2 cans partly because we had two cans laying around and partly because I think big & was imagining all the fun colors to paint with =-)

Edible Finger Paint color mixing

Edible finger paint for toddlers

Here are all our colors in their bowls ready to go!

Beautiful, colorful edible finger paint for kids

Edible finger paint recipe

Now comes the squishy, sensory, beautiful FUN!!  My baby, preschooler, and 1st grader all had a BLAST! They made some actual finger paintings.

Preschool Finger Painting Activities

Edible paint recipe

The edible finger paint will dry on the paper after a couple hours. Although I don’t know that this is one for the memory books. Better let the experience and pictures be your keepsake.

Edible Finger Paint Art
How to make edible finger paint

My baby enjoyed mixing the colors with her fingers best of all.

baby edible finger paint color mixing

The colors were so beautiful all mixed together!

Gorgeous color mixing for babies with edible finger paint

Then my baby discovered the edible part – and it tasted pretty good too =-)

baby safe edible finger paint   baby safe edible finger paint

I LOVE this season of life when I have little kiddos at home! Their sweet smiles, laughter, curiosity, endless cuddles, and even the messes (mostly!). I am truly blessed!

preschool edible finger paint color mixing

Don’t worry, comes right off with water and soap.

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Fun Activities for kids

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