November 12, 2022
Pumpkin Cloud Dough Recipe to Play and EAT

Pumpkin Cloud Dough Recipe to Play and EAT


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Come take a peak at our easy, peasy Pumpkin Cloud Dough Recipe perfect for a fun, hands on fall activity for toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and first grade students.  Not only is this cloud dough recipe great for sensory exploration and strengthening hand muscles, but it is easy to clean up and tasty to eat too!
Come take a peak at our easy, peasy Pumpkin Cloud Dough Recipe perfect for a fun, hands on fall activity for toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and first grade students.  Not only is this cloud dough recipe great for sensory exploration and strengthening hand muscles, but it is easy to clean up and tasty to eat too!

Pumpkin Cloud Dough

We love doing themed activities during the year. This fun-to-play-with pumpkin cloud dough is a super easy pumpkin activity for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, and grade 1 students. I’m a big fan of Sensory Play with little kids, but don’t really like wasting materials or storing lots of ingredients. So this Pumpkin Cloud Dough recipe that you can play with  and then eat is perfect – no waste!

Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this cloud dough recipe.

Cake mix makes a perfect cloud dough base
Cloud Dough Recipe

This activity is super simple – my favorite kind. We picked up a Pillsbury Perfectly Pumpkin cake mix which formed a wonderful cloud dough consistency. I think any cake mix would work, but hat is the one we used. We put it in a food storage container that was big enough to play in and to later mix it up in too.

You will also want some food safe cookie cutters, spoons or shovels, and other sand type toys. Just make sure you don’t use sand toys that haven’t been completely cleaned and sanitized with something you are going to eat!

Pumpkin Cloud Dough holds its shape together beautifully

Pumpkin Cloud Dough Recipe

The pumpkin cake mix was a perfect consistency. You just squeeze it together and it would form a ball.
Look Mom! I mad a pumpkin Sand Castle

You can even use bowls or molds as it would keep it’s shape. It make great “sandcastles”.

feathery light consistency

Edible Cloud Dough

Being the frugal Mom that I am…..after we finished playing it was time to make our pumpkin cloud dough into something edible.

Eating Edible Pumpkin Cloud Dough
When the my kids were done playing with the cloud dough we added in the wet ingredients on the package directions – oil and water.

Note: I added about 1/4 cup less liquid to make up for any cloud dough that had spilled and was now on my kids faces, clothes, and floor.

Pumpkin Cloud Dough into Muffins
We baked our cloud dough into delicious pumpkin muffins (again, following the package directions).

Pumpkin Cloud Dough Muffins
By the time we were finished cleaning up the table from our cloud dough, we had yummy pumpkin muffins to eat for a snack.  Now that’s my kind of fall sensory fun!

100 Amazing Pumpkin Crafts for October - lots of fun pumpkin art projects, pumpkin activities, pumpkin printables and more for preschoolers, toddlers, kindergartners, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade children. Such cute fall crafts for kids.

Don’t miss our huge collection of 100+ Pumpkin Crafts, Activities & Ideas for an amazing October!

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Fall Activities for Preschool

Looking for more fun, fall printables to make leaning fun for prek kids? Take a peak at these:

pumpkin alphabet phonics game fall crafts for preschoolers Why do Fall Leaves Change Colors? This is such a fun, simple, and effective science experiment for kids of all ages from toddler, preschool, and kindergarten, to elementary age kids. #fall #leaves #scienceexperiments

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