November 12, 2022
How to Make EASY Pipe Cleaner Glasses Craft

How to Make EASY Pipe Cleaner Glasses Craft


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These super cute and fun-to-make pipe cleaner glasses craft would be fun for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade children as silly all about me craft, eyes craft, or as part of a Nehemiah Sunday School Craft. Don’t worry, it is really easy! Let us show you how to make glasses out of pipe cleaners with step-by-step pictures and easy to understand directions.
These super cute and fun-to-make pipe cleaner glasses craft would be fun for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade children as silly all about me craft, eyes craft, or as part of a Nehemiah Sunday School Craft. Don't worry, it is really easy! Let us show you how to make glasses out of pipe cleaners with step-by-step pictures and easy to understand directions. 

Pipe Cleaner Glasses

This simple craft would be fun for Preschoolers, Kindergarteners, grade 1, or grade 2 students. It’s fun and easy to make. Kids will love this fun pipe cleaner glasses project.  Don’t worry, this glasses craft is super simple to make; let me show you how to make pipe cleaner glasses.

Nehemiah Sunday School Lesson

If you are using this as a Sunday School craft along with Nehemiah 1-2, you might want to tell the kids “Just like Nehemiah inspected the walls for repair, you need to inspect areas of your life that need God’s repair. Help them think of areas they can inspect.” We used it as part of our Sunday School Lessons where  Nehemiah inspects the wall.  It is simple to make and only uses a couple pipe cleaners per kid.

find half of the pipe cleaner
How to make glasses out of pipe cleaners

It is so simple to make glasses out of pipe cleaners. Let me show you how with just a few simple supplies:

Materials Needed:

  • 2 craft sticks (also known as pipe cleaners or chenille sticks) – any colors

We choose to use yellow for the spectacles and blue for the side pieces of the glasses. First, fold your first pipe cleaner in half.

make a circleHow to make pipe cleaner glasses

Now on one half of the folded chenille stick leave a small gap and then make a circle, twisting the end around the circle to hold in place.

Repeat with the other side. Pipe cleaner glasses craft

Repeat with the other side of the remaining half leaving a small gab next to the gab created by the other side. This will be the middle part of the glasses that fits over the nose.

cute pipe cleaner in halfHow to make glasses with pipe cleaners

Now, carefully use scissors to cut the second pipe cleaner in half.  The easiest way is to fold the pipe cleaner in half first so you make sure you have it evenly divided into 2 equal parts.

wrap around side of glasses

Nehemiah craft ideas

With one of the halves twist the end several times around the yellow circle. Fold back other end of blue pipe cleaner so it can sit on your ear.

completed pipe cleaner craft for preschool
Glasses craft

Repeat with the other side. Now you have your glasses.

Nehemiah Inspects the Wall Craft for Kids

Pipe cleaner craft ideas

Here you go – the glasses fit my 1st grader perfectly.

Hands-on activity to learn about constellations using pipe cleaners, beads, and constellation flashcards for an engaging STEM activity! Use to teach preschool, pre k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and more about stars, solar system, astronomy or as a fun, educational science activity Fun summer activity for bucket listrainbow abacus pipe cleaner crafts

Pipe cleaners crafts

Looking for more fun pipe cleaners craft ideas for children of all ages? Try these:

Books of the Bible BOokmark printable Learn the Books of the Bible with Lego Books-of-the-Bible-Bookcase-Activity

Learn the Books of the Bible

Here are several fun activities we’ve used to help the kids learn the books of the Bible. They are well suited to most kids in elementary school. You may also like or Books of the Bible Snack or the Books of the Bible bulletin board.

Lampstand Craft for Zechariah Sunday School Lesson If you are looking for a super cute, fun, and memorable free creation crafts for sunday school - you will love this printable creation craft for Pre k, Preschool, Kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade Sunday school lessons. Whether you download and print in color or black and white, this days of creation craft will help kids remember what God created on each of the seven days according to the book of Genesis in the Bible. four friends bible story and craft

Bible Printables for Kids

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