November 12, 2022
Moses and the Red Sea Craft plus 10 Plagues of Egypt

Moses and the Red Sea Craft plus 10 Plagues of Egypt


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This super cute moses and the red sea craft is a fun way for children to remember their Moses for kids Sunday School Lesson. Use thse creative storytelling ideas to learn about 10 plagues for kids and Parting of the Red Sea Bible Craft for the crossing of the red sea. This parting red sea bible craft is fun for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd graders too.

This super cute moses and the red sea craft is a fun way for children to remember their Moses for kids Sunday School Lesson. Use thse creative storytelling ideasto learn about 10 plagues for kids and Parting of the Red Sea Bible Craft for the crossing of the red sea. This parting red sea bible craft is fun for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd graders too. 

Moses for Kids

Help children learn about how God used Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt with this engaging Sunday School story. We have a 10 plagues of egpyt activity, moses red sea craft,  Pharoah, Pharoah song, and so much more! This moses for kids lesson is great for preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students. Whether you use the moses crossing the red sea craft at home as part of your Moses BIble Story for kid from Exodus or a sunday school story at church – this is sure to engage kids and help them to remember the story better!

10 plagues of egypt for kids

•  Before we got to the moses parts the red sea craft, we started off with an opening activity. This is such a fun ideas for teaching the 10 plagues. We picked kids to draw on our large white board a picture of one of the Plagues of Egypt. The child who guessed got to draw next. We continued until we had covered all 10 plagues.
  • Water to blood (Ex. 7:19-21)
  • Frogs (Ex. 8:5-6)
  • Gnats or lice (Ex. 8:16-19)
  • Flies (Ex. 8:20-24, Egyptians only)
  • Livestock died. (Ex. 9:1-7, Egyptians only)
  • Boils (Ex. 9:8-11, Egyptians only)
  • Hail (Ex. 9:18-26, Egyptians only)
  • Locusts (Ex. 10:12-15)
  • Three days of darkness (Ex. 10:21-23, Egyptians only)
  • Death of firstborn (Ex. 12:21-30, God protected those with the lamb’s blood on the door)

Moses said to Pharaoh “The Lord God says, ‘Let My People Go!’ ” Pharaoh did not listen to Moses. God sent 10 plagues before Pharaoh let God’s people leave Egypt. God proved to the Egyptians that He is the one true God.

Moses and 10 Plauges of Egypt


10 plagues for kids

As we told the story, we wanted to use an activity to help the kids remember the plagues and make the story come alive in a fun way for our 2nd grade class. So every time we mentioned a plague the kids had to do the “motion” to go along with it:

  • Water to blood – plug nose
  • Frogs – hope like frog & saw ribbit
  • Gnats or lice – scratch at scalp like you have lice
  • Flies – wave hands in the air to shoo the flies
  • Livestock died – moo like a cow and then die with tongue out
  • Boils – act like you are crying because they hurt
  • Hail–  pat legs making the sound of hail
  • Locusts – act like you are eating as the locust ate everything in sight
  • Three days of darkness – cover your eyes
  • Death of firstborn – use hand to make the cut/dead motion with hand in front of neck.

This was lots of fun, helped them memorize the plagues, and was fun to review at the end too!

Moses Parts the Red Sea Craft

moses and the red sea craft

This crossing the red sea craft is such a cute, fun to make Bible craft for teaching toddler, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade students about the life of Moses adn how God delivered the Israelites from being slaves in Egypt.


  • brown/orange paper (for bottom of Red Sea)
  • blue paper (for water)
  • scissors
  • glue
  • free stand up figures 
  • markers
  • fish stickers (optional)

Crossing the red sea craft

Holding the blue paper horizontally, cut it in half. Stack the halves on top of each other and cut slits about 1-2″ wide along the side leaving 2-3″ at the other side.
Now glue down the sides on your brown/orange paper. Use a pencil and curl the slits around the pencil to make the water movement.
Color and cut out the figures and glue in the land between the waters. Affix fish stickers in the water if you like.

10 plagues of egypt craft

Finally, our kids really enjoyed singing this song (while watching the video) which went along perfectly with our lesson!

Books of the Bible BOokmark printable Learn the Books of the Bible with Lego Books-of-the-Bible-Bookcase-Activity

Learn the Books of the Bible

Here are several fun activities we’ve used to help the kids learn the books of the Bible. They are well suited to most kids in elementary school. You may also like or Books of the Bible Snack or the Books of the Bible bulletin board.

Lampstand Craft for Zechariah Sunday School Lesson If you are looking for a super cute, fun, and memorable free creation crafts for sunday school - you will love this printable creation craft for Pre k, Preschool, Kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade Sunday school lessons. Whether you download and print in color or black and white, this days of creation craft will help kids remember what God created on each of the seven days according to the book of Genesis in the Bible. four friends bible story and craft

Bible Printables for Kids

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