July 31, 2024
Dot Marker Number Recognition Worksheets – FREE Printables

Dot Marker Number Recognition Worksheets – FREE Printables


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Do you use bingo daubers or dot markers in your activities? Then these Free Dot Marker Number Recognition Worksheets would be perfect with your preschool and kindergarten learners. These number recognition worksheets allow kids to have fun working on their number recognition and fine motor skills while learning, searching and dabbing the numbers from 1 to 10. Simply print the number activity sheets and you are ready for no-prep numbers 1-10 worksheets.

Do you use bingo daubers or dot markers in your activities? Then these Free Dot Marker Number Recognition Worksheets would be perfect with your preschool and kindergarten learners. These number recognition worksheets allow kids to have fun working on their number recognition and fine motor skills while learning, searching and dabbing the numbers from 1 to 10. Simply print the number activity sheets and you are ready for no-prep numbers 1-10 worksheets.

Dot marker printables free

If your children are working on number recognition you will love these dot marker printables free! These dot marker worksheets are a fun activity for preschoolers and kindergartners to use bingo markers to dab and reveal numbers to ten. For these number recognition worksheets you will dab a number to reveal numbesr 1-10! This number recognition activity combines both math and fine motor skills all in one printable which makes it all the better for you and your learners. You can use these worksheets to practice number recognition, in a math center, for homework or for your early finishers.

Plus don’t miss our toaster number recognition activities, free printable homeschool math worksheets, and Number Recognition Games

Dot marker printables free pdf

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> ___________<<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save your freebie. Now print off the pages. This pack is fully black and white, which will help with printing costs.

If your children are working on number recognition you will love these dot marker printables free! These dot marker worksheets are a fun activity for preschoolers and kindergartners to use bingo markers to dab and reveal numbers to ten. For these number recognition worksheets you will dab a number to reveal numbesr 1-10! This number recognition activity combines both math and fine motor skills all in one printable which makes it all the better for you and your learners. You can use these worksheets to practice number recognition, in a math center, for homework or for your early finishers.

Dot Marker Worksheets

Counting and number recognition is an important part of the number sense that a kindergartener has to learn. These activities can get boring when done repeatedly so it makes it fun to switch activities up and make things fun.

Activities like these are fun ways to help learners practice their number recognition and identification.

If you are looking for more number sense activities, check out these number sense clip cards or number sense mystery puzzles. Printable number recognition activities for preschool

Number recognition worksheets

Materials Required

    • Free printable (download at the end of the post)
    • Printer
    • Dot Markers

Download the printable and print out the pages you need. You can then give it to your learners and they can start the activity.

Number recognition worksheets 1 10

This is a NO-PREP printable which I absolutely LOVE because it makes prepping this activity an absolute breeze! All you have to do is print and give it to your learners. This is a very simple activity, in which learners will use the color code at the top of the page.

They will then identify the numbers within the cicle. Based on the color code they can dot the circles using the dot markers. Number recognition worksheets 1 10

Printable number recognition activities for preschool

Once they are done, they will reveal the mystery number! This is the most exciting part of this activity and learners can look at their paper once it’s completed to identify the mystery number within the dots.

A fun alternative for this would be for learners to color in the circles, or they can use dot stickers to fill in the circles.

Grab your favorite bingo markers and these free printable dot marker worksheets to have fun with no-prep number recognition activities!

Dot marker printables pdf

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.

> Number Recognition Activity <<

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