Help kids learn to decode new words quicker and more easily by teaching them about syllables for kids! There are both open and closed syllable words. In this post we will talk about closed syllable words. Learn what is a closed syllable and grab our hand, free printable closed syllable list! Use the closed syllable examples to teach kindergarten or first grade students.
Closed Syllable Words
Do you need some helpful closed syllable words? Our FREE closed syllable word list is here to make your life easier. With over 330 words with closed syllables, you’ll have everything you need in a series of organized charts. We’ve included words with 1 syllable, handy words with 2 syllables and three syllable words. Plus we have lots of examples for each! Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this go-to, no prep, and FREE resource!
If the terms ‘closed’ syllables is new to you, there’s no cause for worry. We’ll help you understand them in a clear, straightforward manner. Closed syllables are one of the first types of syllables children learn. Love or hate them, there’s no denying their significance in our children’s reading journey. Use our FREE closed syllable word list to boost your child’s reading confidence. Kindergartners and grade 1 students will learn to decode new words easily, leading to faster comprehension and better grades. Additionally, their academic performance will improve as they become more confident readers. So, let’s dive in and take a closer look at these lists.
Learn about the 6 syllable types and then dive in with words lists, game, and activities ideas for closed syllable words list with activity ideas, open syllable words, and Magic e words!
What is a closed syllable
What exactly is a closed syllable? A closed syllable is one in which a single vowel is followed by a consonant. The vowel is usually short. To better understand this concept, let’s look at CVC words – words with a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant structure. Words like ‘cat,’ ‘pig,’ and ‘run’ are perfect examples of closed syllables. The short vowels in these words are always ‘closed’ by a consonant. CVC words are fundamental to introducing closed syllables. Kids start reading these words early on, so you’re expanding upon this knowledge by introducing closed syllables and explaining why CVC words have short vowel sounds.
Closed Syllable
When Should You Teach Closed Syllables? If your young learners can already read and blend CVC words, you’re ready to embark on the closed-syllable journey. This typically happens near the end of kindergarten, but it should definitely be part of the first-grade curriculum.
Closed syllables list
Start out by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The closed syllable word list pdf file will open and you can print and save the handy printable.
Closed syllables examples
Words with 1 syllable
Let’s start with examples of closed syllable words with one-syllable words containing closed syllables. All of these are CVC words. We’ve prepared a list of 75 words organized by short vowel sounds to make it easier to find them!
- Short A sound: Cat, bat, hat, mat, rat, pat, fat, sat, tap, map, nap, cap, gap, lap, trap.
Short E sound: Red, bed, fed, led, web, sled, fled, shred, bled, sped, pled, ten, men, peg, leg.
- Short I sound: Sit, bit, hit, kit, fit, lit, pit, wit, quit, knit, win, tin, fin, skit, pig
- Short O sound: Hot, pot, lot, got, not, cot, rot, jot, dot, pod, rod shot, box, mom, stop.
- Short U sound: Hut, but, cup, nut, gut, mug, gum, shut, strut, tug, jut, fun, run, sun mud
Our downloadable printable contains all these words in a handy chart. We have one page with all the words in one place, but we also created a 2 page spread that you can tape together.
Words with 2 syllables
Now, let’s take a step further and look at two-syllable words. Our comprehensive list provides lots of different examples to expand their understanding and proficiency! We’ve organized them as follows.
Words with:
- The same middle consonant
- Two different middle consonants
- Containing blends
- Compound words
Two syllable words examples
- The same middle consonant: Button, mitten, cotton, traffic, kitten, rotten, gossip, sputter, litter, butter, trellis, rabbit, sudden, clutter, butter letter.
- Two different middle consonants: picnic, mascot, magnet, victim, rustic, candid, basket, tinsel, goblin, submit, tablet, nutmeg, velvet, cactus, fabric.
- With blends: tantrum, pilgrim, inflict, address, flipflop, untwist, hundred, kindred, acquit, distress, pumpkin, muskrat, anklet, abstract, complex, hundred
- Compound words: Sunset, cupcake, backpack, rainfall, toothpaste, snowball, birdhouse, pancake, starfish, bluebird, seashell, fireman, postcard, footstep, goldfish, notebook.
The free printable contains one chart for each of the above.
Three Syllable Words
Let’s venture into more advanced reading skills with three-syllable words that contain a closed syllable. Remember, not all the syllables in these words will be closed, but there will be at least one that is.
3 syllable words list
Here are the words- we have included slashes to show the syllable breaks.
Tam/bou/rine, Cos/me/tic, Vic/to/ry, Straw/ber/ry, Rat/tle/snake, Sax/o/phone, Ve/hi/cle, Mag/ne/tic, Ul/ti/mate, Spa/ghet/ti, In/vent/ed, Ri/co/chet, Un/hap/py, Ro/ta/ry, Tra/m/po/line, Di/min/ish, Mis/con/uct, Un/der/ground, Vio/lin/ist, Ta/len/ted, Qua/ren/tine, Tan/ge/rine, Vol/ca/nic, Rec/tan/gle, Screw/dri/ver, Spa/tu/la, Uni/form, Tel/e/phone, U/ten/sil, Fan/tast/ic, Scor/pi/on, Es/tab/lish, Un/der/stand, Va/nil/la, Tra/pe/zoid, Rasp/ber/ry, Quo/ta/tion, U/nit/ed, Ex/ten/ding, Skel/e/ton, Vi/ta/min, Va/ca/tion, Vin/e/gar, To/ma/to, Dis/in/fect, Sa/tis/fy, Vi/o/la, Tre/men/dous, Vi/si/tor, Quad/ru/ple, Treach/er/ous, In/trep/id, Ter/ri/fic, Um/brel/la, Tor/til/la, Dog/ma/tic, To/mor/row, Tri/um/phant.”
Closed syllable word list
We’ve created a free printable of all these word lists for you to download and print. Use them for reference or adapt them for various learning activities. We’ve added a list of suggestions below. As a parent, you’re always looking for ways to support your child’s learning. Here are some easy ways to use the printable to make learning fun.
- Create a syllable game: Cut apart some of the charts and create a sorting game where children must sort the words by the number of syllables or short vowel sounds.
- Practice writing: Ask children to pick and use a word in a sentence. This helps build comprehension.
- Syllable Hunt: Create a syllable hunt game where children have to find words with a particular number of syllables.
- Make a word wall: Parents can create a word wall at home with the words.
- Put together a phonic notebook. Invite your children to choose some words from the lists to write into their books. They could also illustrate them.
- Make a fun word search: Choose a variety of words from the word lists. Type them in a string, with each word separated by commas. Then copy and paste your list into this Word Search Puzzle Maker.
- You will find an editable 4 X 4 table in the free printable. Fill the table with words and play a variety of games. Players can take turns reading one word aloud and cover it with a bingo chip. The first person to make a row wins. Change the game by asking kids to find a word’s closed syllable, or to identify the number of syllables.
Remember, the goal is to make the learning process fun and interactive, and these activities can be adjusted according to the child’s age and learning style. We hope you have found our word lists useful. Remember to take advantage of the printable we’ve created. It’s there to make your life easier. So, go ahead and click on the download button, print it out, and let’s make learning to read a fun-filled adventure together!
This post is one of a series of posts on the 6 different syllable types. See our posts on
- Open Syllable Word list
- Closed Syllables Words – with a free printable word list
- Silent E Word list – free printable for learning about the magic e
- Vowel Team Words with free printable list
- R-Controlled word list with free printable
- Consonant LE Syllables with free printable word list
Closed syllable words examples
Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:
- This set is for personal and classroom use only.
- This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
- Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
- All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
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