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This is a fun Christmas Story Scavenger Hunt where kids not only get to go on a bow Christmas scavenger hunt, but they will be reminded of the real meaning of Christmas by putting the story of Jesus’ birth back in order. Print the pdf file with the scavenger hunt clues and you are ready to retell the Christmas story from Luke 2 for families with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade children.

This is a fun Christmas Story Scavenger Hunt where kids not only get to go on a bow Christmas scavenger hunt, but they will be reminded of the real meaning of Christmas by putting the story of Jesus’ birth back in order. Print the pdf file with the scavenger hunt clues and you are ready to retell the Christmas story from Luke 2 for families with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade children.

Christmas Story Scavenger Hunt

This activity is a really fun way for kids to celebrate Christmas on December 25th while helping them to focus on the real reason for Christmas – Jesus’ birthday. It is super simple to prepare and set-up! Simply print the scavenger hunt clues, cut apart, and slip them into whatever Christmas bow you have on hand (or simply tape around the house if it is easier). Kids will go on a hunt for clues. When they have all 25 clues they will pull them out and you will retell the story together as a family. This is such a fun activity for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students!

Christmas Scavenger Hunt

To do this easy scavenger hunt for kids that will help them focus back on why we celebrate Christmas. Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

Real Meaning of Christmas

Christmas Scavenger Hunt Ideas

There are two ways to do this Christmas bible story scavenger hunt:

  1. Luke 2 printable strips (see below for printable) – Print the 2 pages and cut apart the 24 strips each containing a part of the Christmas story straight from the Bible. This is best for kids who are comfortable reading (1st grade on up)
  2. Christmas Story Picture Strips(see below for printable) – Print and cut apart the strips each containing a pictoral representation of a part of the Christmas Story.

Christmas Story Scavenger Hunt

Real Meaning of Christmas

Now weave each clue (strip of paper) in and around a bow. Repeat with the remaining strips of paper using a new bow each time.

Christmas bow scavenger hunt kids activity

Now hide the bows all around your house. I used the sticky part on the back to stick them to walls and furniture – just remember to hold for about 5 seconds to make sure it really sticks. (in my experience, there was no damage from the sticky part on the furniture)

Luke 2 Bible Story Scavenger Hunt printable freeChristmas Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Have your kids hunt for all the Christmas bows.

We had 4 kids searching for 24 bows, so we told them each to find 6. You could always hide a certain color bow in easier locations for younger children while making a different color more challenging for older kids.

Now have the kids pull out their strips of paper to put the Christmas Story back in order.

Christmas Scavenger Hunt for Kids Craft and Pray Around the World

Christmas scavenger hunt for kids

  • Looking for more Christmas Scavenger Hunt Ideas? Check out several free printable ones we have!
  • Meaningful Christmas Fun for Christian Families – If you are looking for a meaningful way to spend the month of December focused on Jesus’ birth and what it means for the salvation of the world you are going to want to get Craft & Pray Around the World! You will learn about 24 countries around the world including their Christmas traditions, how to practically pray for the people, and a simple ornament craft to represent the country you focused on.

Melted Crayon Ornaments - this Christmas crafts makes GORGEOUS holiday ornaments! What a fun diy, homemade ornament that is EASY for kids to make; kid made Christmas present. Perfect for ornaments kids can make with help or for moms #christmasornaments #ornamentcrafts #chrsitmascrafts Star Christmas Ornament Craft for Preschoolers

Ornament Craft Ideas

Looking for more fun and easy ornament crafts to make with your kids in December. You will love these ideas:

FREE Sermon Notes for Kids - help kids follow along with any sermon with one of these free printable simple sermon notes printable #sermonnotes #church #sundayschool FREE Printable Bible Verse Cards - these free printable Bible verse cards will help your family hide God's word in your heart. Simply print on cardstock, practice, and meditate. #bible #bibleverses #sundayschool  Kids will have fun practicing identifying the days of creation with this fun, free printable Creation BINGO game. This Bible game is perfect for homeschool families and Sunday school lessons for Preschool, Pre k, Kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students.

Bible Printables for Kids

12 disciples lesson becoming fishers of men jesus in the temple as a boy bible lesson craft activity Wordless Book Craft for kids making simple bead cross craft

FREE Christmas Scavenger Hunt Clues

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  • This is for personal use only (teachers please see my TPT store)
  • This may NOT be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other site (including blog, Facebook, Dropbox, etc.)
  • All materials provided are copyright protected. Please see Terms of Use.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from Scrappin Doodles License #94836
  • I offer free printables to bless my readers AND to provide for my family. Your frequent visits to my blog & support purchasing through affiliates links and ads keep the lights on so to speak. Thanks you!

>> Christmas Scavenger Hunt PICTURE Clues <<

>> Christmas Scavenger Hunt Luke 2 TEXT <<

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