November 12, 2022
Abraham and Isaac Bible Lesson with Crafts and Activities

Abraham and Isaac Bible Lesson with Crafts and Activities


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Help kids learn about Abraham, the father of many nations, with this Abraham Bible lesson for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd graders. We used these abraham and isaac crafts and activities in a Sunday School lesson to help kids remember the story from Genesis 22. This abraham and isaac craft is a great way to help make learning fun and memorable for children.

Abraham Sunday School Crafts - kids will have fun learning about Abraham and Isaac with these fun crafts and activities to teach this Bible lesson to kids of all ages #sundayschool #biblecrafts

Abraham and Isaac Crafts and Activities

If you are looking for some abraham bible crafts to go along with yoru Bible lesson on Abraham for kids, you will love these fun and simple abraham craft ideas. These Abraham and Isaac crafts and activities are perfect to use with preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students.

Abraham and Isaac Offering Craft

Abraham and isaac craft

We use this free template to make this super cute and easy to make Abraham and Isaac Offering Craft.

Abraham Star Craft for Kids

Abraham and Isaac craft ideas

This star craft is such a fun, easy to make star craft. Just print this template on cardstock. Then wrap yarn around and around the star shape to make a pretty window or tree ornament.

Abraham star kids activities

Abraham bible crafts

For the Sunday school lesson we talked about when God told him he’d have as many descendants as stars in the sky we started with having the kids make a large star collage (star stickers, glitter pens, painting, markers, and more!)


Books of the Bible BOokmark printable Learn the Books of the Bible with Lego Books-of-the-Bible-Bookcase-Activity

Learn the Books of the Bible

Here are several fun activities we’ve used to help the kids learn the books of the Bible. They are well suited to most kids in elementary school. You may also like or Books of the Bible Snack or the Books of the Bible bulletin board.

Lampstand Craft for Zechariah Sunday School Lesson If you are looking for a super cute, fun, and memorable free creation crafts for sunday school - you will love this printable creation craft for Pre k, Preschool, Kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade Sunday school lessons. Whether you print in color or black and white, this days of creation craft will help kids remember what God created on each of the seven days according to the book of Genesis in the Bible. four friends bible story and craft

Bible Printables for Kids

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