November 12, 2022
20 FUN ways to Celebrate National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

20 FUN ways to Celebrate National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day


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There are few things more American than peanut butter and jelly. In fact, we have a national Peanut Butter and Jelly Day celebrated every April 2nd! Celebrate this fun holiday for kids by sneaking in some peanut butter activities, some cute peanut butter and jelly craft, and even some educational peanut butter and jelly printables. Use these ideas at home or in your peanut butter and jelly lesson plan kindergarten.

There are few things more American than peanut butter and jelly. In fact, we have a national Peanut Butter and Jelly Day celebrated every April 2nd! Celebrate this fun holiday for kids by sneaking in some peanut butter activities, some cute peanut butter and jelly craft, and even some educational peanut butter and jelly printables. Use these ideas at home or in your peanut butter and jelly lesson plan kindergarten. 

national peanut butter day activities

This year, celebrate national peanut butter and jelly day with these adorable and educational peanut butter and jelly activities and peanut butter crafts. Use these ideas in your peanut butter and jelly lesson plan kindergarten or for a playful day enjoying a classic kid favorite sandwich with toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, and grade 2 students. Kids will have just as much fun learning on pb&j day as they do eating PB&J sandwiches!

Make a complete peanut butter and jelly unit study using these ideas.

FUN ways to Celebrate National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

peanut butter crafts

Looking for some clever peanut butter crafts? We have several for you to choose from that are  tons of fun!

peanut butter and jelly educational activities

Peanut butter activities

Try these peanut butter and jelly educational activities complete with peanut butter and jelly printables to complete your PB&J unit study.

pbj recipes

Peanut butter and jelly recipes for kids

Take your kids’ pb&j sandwhich to the next level with these fun recipes:



Peanut Butter and Jelly Books

These books about peanut butter and jelly will become fast favorites in your house!


beginning sounds activity preschool counting activities   place value activity

Peanut Butter and Jelly Activity

Looking for a fun toddler, preschool, prek, and kindergarten age kids to celebrate National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day on April 2nd? You will love these clever ideas:

Activities for National Bubble Week LOTS of Candy Activities for kids ideas! Perfect for making learning FUN, using up extra HALLOWEEN candy, or celebrating National Candy Day November 4th. Ideas for preschool, prek, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and more #candyactivities #kidsactivities #nationalcandyday World-Elephant-Day-Activities

Fun Holidays

We love celebrating fun holidays and fun days throughout the year! We have lots more special days throughout the year with activities to inspire you to create memories with your kids:


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