November 12, 2022
13 Hat Crafts for Kids (Mad Hatter Day is October 6th)

13 Hat Crafts for Kids (Mad Hatter Day is October 6th)


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Mad Hatter Day is a fun way to celebrate classic literature, crazy characters, and hats! Make your holiday more special with these hat crafts for Mad Hatter Day on October 6th.

13 DIY Hat Crafts for kids plus some really fun ideas for celebrating Mad Hatter Day on October 6th) - what a fun way to have an Alice in Wonderland day with toddler, preschool, prek, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade kids.

13 Hat Crafts for Kids for Mad Hatter Day

What is a Hatter?

A hatter was a man or woman who made hats professionally. In the past, a hatter was a necessary profession because it was often considered rude or impolite to appear in public without a hat. There were hats for every occasion, from riding hats to church hats, and even hats for sleeping.


Who is the Mad Hatter?

The Mad Hatter is a character from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. He has been sentenced to perpetual tea-time, and is unable to get away from the tea table. While Alice visits, the Mad Hatter makes silly jokes, switches seats, makes a mess, and is generally rude. The Hatter’s name is derived from the colloquial phrase “mad as a hatter,” which is used to identify an eccentric person. The exact origin of the phrase is unknown.


Hat Crafts for Mad Hatter Day

Celebrate Mad Hatter Day with these fun kids crafts featuring hats!

hat crafts for kids
mad hatter day is october 6th



DIY Hats




Throw Your Own Mad Tea Party

After you make your hat, you’ll have to wear it while having a tea party and reading (or watching) Alice in Wonderland!  Herea re some fun things you may want to get to add to your fun day!


Looking for some super cute Star Wars crafts and activities from a galaxy far, far away? This huge list of 101 crafts for kids will keep the whole family busy! These are perfect for celebrating May the 4th, a star wars theme, or just focusing on something that interests your child. National Popcorn Day Crafts for Kids

Fun Holidays

We love celebrating fun holidays and fun days throughout the year! We have lots more special days throughout the year with activities to inspire you to create memories with your kids:

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