April 2, 2019
Tips for Residents of the Path of Totality

Tips for Residents of the Path of Totality


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Do you live in the “Path of Totality”?  In case you didn’t know it, on August 21, 2017 The United States will encounter a Total Solar Eclipse.  This is the first time since 1918 that totality has extended from coast to coast. And only the 3rd time in 40 years that this event has taken place in the United States at all.
Tips for Residents of the Path of Totality (2017 Total Solar Eclipse tips and tricks for families wanting to see this once-in-a-lifetime sight)

Tips for Residents of the Path of Totality

If you aren’t yet sure if you live in the path of totality, check out our list here.  If you are in the path, you should know that the areas in the path are expecting thousands and thousands of visitors from throughout the globe.  You may want to start preparing now as life is going to be pretty hectic for that day (and probably entire weekend beforehand).
Here are some tips for residents of the path of totality that you can use to get you and your family ready for this once in a lifetime opportunity:


  • Pick up any prescriptions early.  You won’t want to deal with the crowds to pick up your medicines.  Picking them up early means that you will avoid the crowds, plus you will avoid any shortages that may come from the extra visitors in your area.
  • Conserve energy.  The eclipse is happening in the middle of August, which is already prime time for energy blackouts due to high usage from A/Cs, etc.  With thousands of extra people in your area, this will strain the infrastructures even more, so do your part by conserving as much power as possible.
  • Grocery shop early.  In order to beat the crowds, it is best to do your grocery shopping at least a week before hand.  This also gives your local stores a chance to restock before the crowds hit.
  • Fill up your tank.  Be sure that your vehicles are filled up with gas.  Your local fuel stations are going to be overwhelmed with demand and may run out of fuel.  If nothing else, the lines are going to be awful.
  • Head to the bank.  Like all of the other local businesses, your local ATM machines are going to be overwhelmed with customers.  Head to the bank and pick up cash early the week before the eclipse, so that you are not left searching for an ATM that still has cash in it.
  • Plan a weekend at home.  In all likelihood, the weekend festivities will be starting on the Thursday prior to the eclipse. Be sure to get all of your errands done before that and just plan for a weekend at home.  Unless you love to drive in heavy traffic that is.
  • Get your viewing supplies.  Just because you are not a tourist, doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of this awesome sight.  Don’t forget to get all of your supplies (eclipse glasses, lawn chairs, etc) well in advance so you can beat the rush.
  • Be patient.  Yes, there will be lots of people, major crowds, too much traffic and frustrations from the headache of it all for a couple of days, but remember, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.   The experience is going to be well worth the inconvenience.

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